Home Consumer Which state in the U.S. uses the poop emoji the most

Which state in the U.S. uses the poop emoji the most

 By Mark Young, SouthFloridaReporter.com Managing Editor, Aug 21, 2015 – Emoji’s have become a means of expressing oneself in emails and texts. They have become a way of life.

My 7 1/2 year old granddaughter (she emphasizes the half) will text me. Often just using emoji’s. Sometimes, they’re adorable like blowing a kiss. 160x160x8-face-throwing-a-kiss.png.pagespeed.ic.bgY3OiMkHwOther times they are outrageous like an animal farting – you have to combine two emoji for this effect!  1f40e-google-android.png.pagespeed.ce.dxvtB8gXkUI doubt these are things she learned in school. I had to call her aunt, my daughter, to find out where these “emoji’s” were hidden on my phone.

Now, I just try to keep up with her off-the-wall antics.  However, Swiftkey has been keeping track of emjois and just published an interactive map showing which state uses a specific emoji more.  Mashable.com posted the story the other day:

By Karissa Bell, Mashable, Aug 21, 2015 – Where you live could impact which emoji you choose to use.

SwiftKey, maker of the popular keyboard app for iOS and Android, found the most popular emoji in each state in the U.S., based on the 1 billion-plus emoji sent by its users who have opted into their cloud service.

While some of the results were no surprise — Hawaii uses the most waves, surfer, volcano and pineapple emoji, for example — SwiftKey came back with some interesting findings.

  • Vermonters use the poop emoji more than any other state.
  • Their neighbors in New Hampshire use alcohol emoji more than any other state.
  • Californians lead in the lemon, sushi and ramen emoji, but also rank highly for the taxi emoji (Swiftkey speculates this could be a result of the prominence of Uber and Lyft, which both have headquarters in this state.)
[vc_cta_button title=”WHAT EMOJI IS YOUR STATE” target=”_blank” color=”btn-info” icon=”none” size=”btn-large” position=”cta_align_bottom” css_animation=”appear” href=”http://mashable.com/2015/08/18/swiftkey-us-emoji-study/”]