Home Articles Playground Through Kids’ Eyes: What Do They Want?

Playground Through Kids’ Eyes: What Do They Want?


On a good playground, children can move freely and play fun games. Space and objects should allow for a variety of strengthening and endurance-building activities. A properly-made playground is a place of interaction and communication.

Kids can decide for themselves whether to play alone or with others, whom to negotiate, cooperate, compete, and resolve conflict situations with. 


The first thing that makes an area suitable for use by children is a soft surface. You should decide what to use right from the start: playground mulch, pine bark, gravel, or rubberized tiles. The first option is the best as it can protect kids from falls from a perceived height of about 16 feet. Since children constantly run around swings and slides, there is a chance of slipping, and such a surface quickly absorbs even small drops of rain. Besides, rubber mulch does not degrade, unlike natural materials, so it will last you more than one year.

You can use several coatings at once; such a method will make the area more interesting to explore. When setting up the playground, remember that the soft surface should extend beyond its bounds (usually about 6 feet). If you install swings, this figure can be higher.


In a well-thought-out location, children and adolescents of different ages and interests can find exciting activities for themselves. Such sites are essential points of socialization not only for kids but also for parents and guardians. Leading the way is the idea of ​​non-directive play equipment that gives children the freedom to play and stimulates imagination and creativity. Thus, they can use all the elements in a familiar way or invent new methods (creative, social, role-playing) on ​​the go. Moreover, you can install several pieces that do not have a specific function. Kids will figure out what to do with them and how to use them.


When setting up a playground, always remember about people with disabilities. Both healthy and disabled kids should have fun and make new friends in one place. The correct areas also have access for parents and guardians with disabilities.

While many manufacturers focus on equipment that is accessible to wheelchair users, it is important to remember that there are many different types of disabilities and special needs. Non-directive equipment that can be used in various ways, such as nest swings, will suit children with different needs and abilities. Also, there should be a sufficient number of ramps and smooth paths so that kids with different abilities have access to locations with sand, for example.


A key to a comfortable playground is zoning. It is important that both toddlers and older children can play here. So that they do not interfere (or accidentally hurt) with each other, a dividing method should be carried out. However, you should not completely restrict access for some groups. Equipment should be positioned so that it can be used by different children and in various ways and schemes. Of course, it isn’t easy to foresee absolutely all the details, and often kids use this or that area in a completely different way than you expected. Be prepared to listen to such unspoken needs of the players and slightly change the zoning.

Possibility of Change

Changes and upgrades are good for playgrounds. It is especially important because children grow and change interests quickly, and all the equipment remains the same. To make it easier for you to make changes, leave a space without a clearly fixed-function when planning the area. Playgrounds, where every corner and object has a clearly defined role, can quickly become boring for children, especially as they grow up because they leave no room for creativity. It is important to maintain a flexible structure so that the play area can “grow” along with kids. By the way, a good option is to organize a place near the forest. It will be difficult to determine where the playground begins and ends. Such a place is much more interesting to explore.

Choose the Right Area

And finally, the last recommendation we have regarding the choice of location. Good playgrounds are located in a place where children would already play, away from the dangerous roads, noise, and dirt. You can design the playground as you want, but children will not want to come there if it is inconveniently located. The place should fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape.