Home Consumer $1.5 Million Jewel Heist From Palm Beach Home … Richest Take In...

$1.5 Million Jewel Heist From Palm Beach Home … Richest Take In 20 Years!

Palm Beach
Don Malasky’s house (via Google)

A high-profile Palm Beach house builder is the latest victim of burglars who’ve made the tony town their playground.

Don Malasky, 80, is telling Gossip Extra one or several individuals found their way to his safe in his bedroom in the two hours he was at dinner recently, then took off with the safe.

In the box were about $1.5 million in gold and diamond jewelry owned by the builder’s wife, Lorraine.

“It won’t happen again,” Malasky said. “The new safe is bolted in. It took three guys to bring it in, and I had a brand new security system installed.”

Malasky said he suspected the perp was someone who works for him, but that man passed a polygraph test with flying colors.

“It looked like an inside job,” said Malasky, who builds some of the most expensive homes on the island. He lives in a mansion estimated to be worth $8 million on the north of the town. “But it’s not like we showed a lot of imagination in picking a spot for the safe. It was in the closet in the master bedroom, the first place any burglar would look.”

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading” style=”outline” color=”primary” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gossipextra.com%2F2017%2F02%2F16%2Fdon-malasky-palm-beach-burglary-jewelry-stolen-6841%2F|title:Continue%20reading|target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]By Jose Lambiet, GossipExtra.com, excerpt posted on  SouthFloridaReporter.com, Feb. 17, 2017 [/vc_message]