Home Consumer What Products Do You Need in Your Home after Having Hip Surgery

What Products Do You Need in Your Home after Having Hip Surgery

(WikiMedia KimvdLinde [CC BY-SA 3.0 )

Surgeons in the U.S. perform an estimated 300,000 hip replacement surgeries every year. These surgeries are among the most successful operations surgeons perform in the country and proper after care is needed to help with the recovery process and prevent possible injury of the joints.  Patients need to stay active during recovery and thereafter; however, at times it is difficult for patients to attempt basic task, which they used to perform before the surgery for example, dressing and bathing.  That being said, there are many products that can help patients who have received hip replacement to recovery without much strain. 

Transfer Benches 


A patient who has hip replacement surgery may have difficulties moving around in their bathroom. Shower or transfer benches help an individual to easily enter in a bathtub and come out. These benches help a person to move without putting pressure and strain on their recently operated hip. 




Having a hip replacement can leave you unable to do full range movements for some time. You may not be able to pick up, push, and pull something or hold something firmly. Reachers help a patient recovering from the surgery to accomplish the simple tasks. You can think of reachers as an extension of your arm. Having a simple pull or tug of the handle will engage a lever that in turn moves your arm at extended end. Therefore, the reacher is put in motion. A reacher reduces the need for stressing the hand or arm. 

Dressing Aids 


There are those moments you want to dress up and probably no body is around to assist you. Since dressing up engages the hip joint, you can prevent movement that strain or create stress on the operated hip joint by equipping yourself with dressing aids.  Activities like wearing socks and shoes, buttoning a shirt, and tying shoelaces require complex movements that may exert pressure on hip joint. Some of the dressing aids suitable for people who have undergone a hip replacement therapy are dressing sticks, hip kits, shoe horns, button aids and zippers, and elastic shoelaces or shoelaces fasteners. 

Toilet Seat Raisers


People who have received a hip replacement surgery are not advised to enter a seating position abruptly or bend down suddenly. During that time a patient is recovering from this kind of surgery, they may find the commodes in toilets relatively low.  Sitting down to use the toilet can become very difficult. A toilet seat raiser is intended to help a person to easily use their toilet. The raiser increases the commode height meaning a person won’t bend down or use the toilet in an uncomfortable position.  Toilet seat raisers come in different types ranging from hinged to basic raisers. When selecting a toilet seat raiser that meets your needs, make sure it can support your weight and raises the commodes to the appropriate height.

When you have the right support and mobility aid during the time you are recovering from a hip surgery, it allows you have comfort and prevent sudden strains that could injure the joint.  In addition to above products, you can consider grab bars and rails that help you when you feel like you cannot support yourself or reach out for something.