Home Consumer These Balloons Filled With ‘Inhale-able’ Alcohol Will Get You Buzzed (Video)

These Balloons Filled With ‘Inhale-able’ Alcohol Will Get You Buzzed (Video)


The start-up Cloud Buzz, has created balloons filled with inhale-able alcohol. Mercer Morrison explains:

Juuls, which are essentially just fancy e-cigs, have become a *cool* accessory among teens (and other people, I’m sure) (but it is not cool to Juul) (FYI). Now, a new product called Cloud Buzz may just be the next party trend—it’s a balloon filled with inhale-able alcohol.

According to its website, Cloud Buzz “shots” come in specially-designed balloons, which are “pressurized and premixed with various spirits.” Here’s where it gets….well, Juul-ish. You inhale from the balloon, and the alcohol “will instantly vaporize into a misty cloud.” Said misty cloud will give Cloud Buzz users an “instant buzz while also making it an aromatic and pleasant experience to taste the actual flavor of the drink.”

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading” color=”primary” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.delish.com%2Ffood-news%2Fa25240068%2Finhalable-alcohol-balloons%2F||target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”outline” message_box_color=”blue”]Delish, excerpt posted on SouthFloridaReporter.com, Nov. 24, 2018

Video by Buzz60/Mercer Morrison[/vc_message]


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