Theo Reyna’s “Lazy Fair” Provides Offbeat Riff On Money & Greed

Conspirators Andy Quiroga, Ken Clement and Meredith Bartmon plot in Lazy Fair (Photo by Elijah Peck)

By Bill Hirschman,, for, aUG 24, 2015 – You may have noticed headlines the last few days about a sharp drop in the stock market. In playwright Theo Reyna’s slightly daft fiscal world view, that may be because Money has been on the loose having a good time carousing.

In Mad Cat Theatre Company’s world premiere of Lazy Fair,Reyna’s drily funny treatise on greed, Money – or actually The Spirit of Money – resides in an ornate wooden box guarded by a robed monk who speaks to and for the creature.

The sub-prime mortgage scandal, the Lehman Brothers debacle and a dozen other financial misbehaviors? Money fell into the wrong hands, literally not metaphorically.

The script subtitled A New Myth on the Power of Greed, needs slimming down, tweaking and maybe an attempt to dig a little deeper. But droll deadpan humor suffuses this spoofy hoot and makes it worth seeing. Reyna, a Mad Cat company playwright, director and actor (recently Centralia), doubles here as the director. That’s a wise move since his script wouldn’t work with a troupe that couldn’t find the particular groove of his offbeat humor.

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