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New FL Survey: Inflation, Economy, Jobs, Gun Violence And Crime On Voters’ Minds In November



In a broad look at what Floridians may be thinking when they go to the polls in November, a new statewide public opinion survey shows inflation is the top issue, followed by economy and jobs and gun violence and crime.

Abortion ranked 4th among 12 specific policy issues listed in a poll posted Tuesday by the University of South Florida (USF), in collaboration with researchers from Florida International University (FIU).

Overall, 600 Floridians participated in the statewide survey between July 2nd and 10th.

As to abortion — the overturning of Roe v. Wade last month by the U.S. Supreme Court — about 57 percent of respondents disapproved with the high court’s decision, with 43.5 percent disapproving and 13 percent somewhat disapproving.

At the same time, participants were divided on what to do following the abortion decision.

The survey asked respondents about this question: Which of the following actions would you most like to see Florida take regarding abortion following the Supreme Court decision?

The top answer — 33 percent of the 600 respondents — was to “pass a new law to protect abortion access.”

The second-best answer — 20.5 percent — was “outlaw abortion, with exceptions for rape, incest, & mother’s health.”

The other answers varied.

Overall, the policy issues on the minds of voters in November range from inflation — 48 percent of respondents selected the issue — to the war in Ukraine, at 4.2 percent.

In between, the policy issues are listed as economy and jobs (46.8 percent); gun violence and crime (35.2); abortion (25.5); immigration (22.2); healthcare (19.2); climate change and the environment (14.7); education (11); race relations (10.2); COVID-19 (10.2); LGBTQ issues (5.7). The final category was listed as “other,” at 1.7 percent.

As to approval ratings of Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in the category of jobs and the economy, 34.2 percent of respondents approved of Biden, while 50 percent approved of DeSantis.

As to the COVID-19 pandemic, the two had similar numbers: 45 percent of respondents approved of Biden, and 47.1 percent approved of DeSantis int the category.

You can look at the full data here.

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[vc_message message_box_color=”blue”]Florida Phoenix posted on SouthFloridaReporter.comJuly 13, 2022

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This article originally appeared here and was republished with permission.

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