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How To Decide When Your Idea Is Ready To Patent


Stumbling on a brilliant idea that solves a problem and has the potential to sell is easier than you think. Many inventors have a fantastic concept with all the makings of ground-breaking innovation, but they are unsure if they should be applying for a patent just yet. But, if you think the idea is exciting enough to get snapped up by customers quickly, it’s definitely worth exploring. 

Record Your Successes and Failures

Transforming your ideas into a workable product prototype will likely involve lots of trial and error as you develop ideas and discard them. Record the processes and steps you went through with both lemons and successes. Inventors should be able to retrace the steps they took with failures so that they know what not to do. If the product actually works, recording the stages you followed will help you create drawings and blueprints so that the design can be replicated and manufactured. Without blueprints, you won’t be able to monetize the invention. 

You Should Be Able To Explain What You’re Doing Here

If you intend to file for a patent, you should be able to describe the invention, its functionality, and the problem it solves. You’ll give a detailed written account of the skills to make the product. In short, if you were to provide a design idea with the application, any person reading about it should be able to build a functional prototype. When you can successfully do that, at that point, you’re ready to file a patent application. 

Consider Working with a Manufacturer

Before filing for a patent, you’ll want to confirm its viability, and that can only be done if it is tested by an expert manufacturer. Some companies are wary about working with product ideas that can be patented later. Working with products in the patent-pending stage means that the concept can be revealed accidentally without the protection of the patent laws.

If the invention is leaked, the company could be held liable for breach of intellectual property.  Seek out an Orlando patent attorney for personal council. 

On the flip side, some companies offer to build the product for you, but they may do it on the condition that they are free to use the idea as needed without providing any fair compensation. You should be very wary of these types of people. However, once you receive requests like these, you can safely assume that the invention has value and should file for a patent quickly.

Ask Family and Friends for Opinions 

Rope in your close family members and friends and use their opinions about your invention. You can safely give demos to people you trust since they’re unlikely to steal your idea. They’ll also provide you candid feedback that you can use to tweak the product.

You can also use a free survey maker to record their impressions and use the tips when you go back to the drawing board. Once you “wow” your friends, that’s the time to draw up your patent application.

Knowing the appropriate time to file a patent application is critical so that you can claim ownership of the idea before someone else comes up with a similar invention or steals your idea. Once you’re confident, file your application without delay.