Home Today Is The Aztecs Believed Chocolate Had Magical Powers Like Making Them Stronger

The Aztecs Believed Chocolate Had Magical Powers Like Making Them Stronger

chocolate wafer

National Chocolate Wafer Day is observed each year on July 3rd.  Once again, chocolate lovers across the country have a reason to enjoy their favorite flavor for breakfast, lunch and supper and as snacks in between.

These crispy snacks are an American favorite. With their waffle surface pattern and thin layers, they make an excellent addition to ice cream.  They are a popular ingredient in cakes and cheesecakes.  Chocolate wafers can be crushed to make a delicious pie crust.

No matter where or how you are eating your wafers, these delicious treats are truly worth celebrating!

  • Ancient Aztecs thought chocolate had magical powers; like the ability to give them strength.
  • Chocolate was consumed by the ancient Aztecs as a frothy beverage, somewhat like hot chocolate we drink today.
  • Chocolate contains over 300 mineral properties that are beneficial to your health.
  • Chocolate comes from a plant, called Theobroma cacao, which translates “Food of the Gods”.
  • Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea and just as many as blueberries.
  • While cookies and pastries containing cocoa have been produced for centuries, the commercial version of the chocolate wafer got its start back in 1924, when the National Biscuit Company (now simply known as Nabisco) began selling them in tins along with sugar wafers and ginger wafers.
  • These crispy, sweet snacks are an American favorite. With their waffle surface pattern and thin layers, they can often be found accompanied with ice cream or cooked into other baked goods.
  • In Egypt, there are special kinds of wafers called freska that are only sold on the beach in the summertime.
  • Chocolate wafers are enjoyed as a key ingredient in Oreos.


National Day Calendar

