Home People Avoid Dating Dead-Ends: The Shrink Wrap

Avoid Dating Dead-Ends: The Shrink Wrap

By Heather Dugan, Connection Coach, for the SouthFloridaReporter.com, July 1, 2015 – Searching for Mr/Ms Right and wondering why you keep attracting the wrong kind of partner? Sometimes were in such a hurry to rebuild our life that we settle for a space-filler choicethe best of the readily available, rather than one with whom we can build a longterm relationship. Try not to fall in love with your own hopesave it for a more worthy man or woman. Heres one of 11 dating personalities that will take you down the wrong road.

“While excellent for preventing splatters in the microwave and filling your fridge with decomposing leftovers, plastic wrap in human form is completely stifling. A Shrink Wrap personality will take everything a tick too far. As things heat up, he will quickly press in—making fast plans of your “maybes” and imposing himself into your life’s itinerary before you can formulate an invitation.

This is the man who will fall in love with you before he knows your middle name, the woman who is focused on matching herself to your life—“I LOVE museums/racquetball/whatever you just said”—and who plans for the holidays after one good kiss. She is needy, and you are her chosen life preserver. He may lavish you with compliments and praise, but does he know you? Really know you? Consider how empty a man must be to decisively choose a woman he has yet to discover.

He will follow you like a puppy dog, be jealous of your friends, try to pin you down on travel plans for next summer and suck all available space from your schedule. Your friends may note a gradual deflation as this man encircles your life in a bear hug that leaves you no breathing room.

Shrink wrap tendencies can be indicative of lingering post-divorce trauma or even insecurities that may have afflicted his marriage. This man is wounded and needs to heal himself before he can be a whole man with you.“

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Heather Dugan is a columnist, speaker and author with a focus on human connection. Her latest book, Date Like A Grownup: Anecdotes, Admissions of Guilt & Advice Between Friends, examines the impact of loneliness and social obsolescence on men and women in their second single lives and provides strategies for better living after divorce.