Home Consumer 29 Surprising Health Benefits Of Cinnamon!

29 Surprising Health Benefits Of Cinnamon!

health benefits

Used by people throughout history as a medicine, spice, fragrance, healing herb, and more, from the ancient Chinese, to the Egyptians, the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans, cinnamon is certainly one of our most quintessential panaceas, acting as an aromatic stimulant with anti-microbial, carminative, anti-fungal properties- the health benefits of cinnamon go on and on.

However, Cassia cinnamon (the common type of cinnamon) is actually high in coumarin, which can cause liver damage to people who might be sensitive. That’s why it’s important to do your research before diving into eating a ton of extra cinnamon, as much of a super-food as it may be.

Overall, this article spells out the full picture when it comes to cinnamon. If you’re researching cinnamon and want to know the health benefits and risks, I hope this helps.

What You’ll Learn From This Article
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