Home Food 25 Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs (With Recipes)

25 Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs (With Recipes)


The illusive egg is a food steeped in controversy.

For years, people were told not to eat them because they would raise cholesterol.

Now scientists say they’re fine. But what is the truth? Here we will get to the bottom of what the egg can offer.


Faith Based Events
  • The nutritional value of eggs- including calories, protein and vitamins and minerals
  • The importance of these nutrients to your body
  • The health benefits eggs can provide you
  • How to properly handle and store eggs
  • How to choose the right eggs when at the store

Just be warned- this will change the way you think about eggs and may change your diet forever.


One large egg gives you 6 grams of protein with only 78 calories and 0.6 carbs. This is great for people who want to watch their caloric intake or even those trying to get more protein in their diet. Here are the other major nutrients you will find in eggs.


These vitamins are important for metabolism and energy as well as your immune system and red blood cells.


You will find 11 percent of your daily need for Vitamin D in one egg. This helps with keeping your bones healthy and absorbing calcium.

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