Trump Versus The Media. Who Won? (Videos)

President Trump held a news conference Thursday and it has left the media reeling. Early yesterday with no specific topic on the agenda, the president decided to address the media. What followed was 77 minutes of Trump versus the Media. When the dust settled these are some of the headlines and video’s of what transpired:

Oh, and some of the president’s early morning tweets today.

You decide who won, or if there was a winner.

President Trump’s tweets this morning:













Washington Post: Donald Trump delivers a series of raw and personal attacks on the media in a news conference for the ages

Donald Trump entered the East Room on Thursday reeling from a week filled with resignations, withdrawals and continued questions surrounding his campaign’s contacts with Russia.

What followed was an hour-long, full-throated attack on Trump’s favorite foil: the media.

RealClearPoliticsDefending Rocky Start, Trump Regains His Mojo

If there was one takeaway from President Trump’s first news conference Thursday, it was this: the president will hold more of them.

He loved it, and Americans who voted for Donald Trump may have enjoyed it, too. And that was the point.

PoliticoThe dizzying, mesmerizing Trump show

In nearly 90 rambling minutes in the East Room of the White House on Thursday, Donald Trump distilled the breakneck first month of his presidency into a dizzying microcosm of political performance art. In the process, he demolished any lingering doubt about whether he’d bend the presidency to his will, or vice versa.

TheHillTHE MEMO: Pressure mounting, Trump goes on the offensive

President Trump’s surprise press conference Thursday was a clear attempt to turn the page on what has been a tumultuous start to his administration.

But for all the flamboyant, combative and outright bizarre moments during Trump’s extended East Room confrontation with the press corps, questions about Russia are still crowding in on the president.

Bloomberg TV: President Donald Trump held a wide-ranging and combative press conference on Thursday that saw him once again blast the media while bragging about the prowess of his administration. Bloomberg’s Kevin Cirilli reports on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”