Home Consumer Today Is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

Today Is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

chocolate covered raison

Raisins coated in a shell of either milk chocolate or dark chocolate have their own special day of honor each March 24th on National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day.

Chocolate covered raisins have been popular with moviegoers for many, many years and they continue to be.  They are also a popular bulk vending item across the country.

More than 1 million Raisinets are produced per hour.

In some countries, chocolate covered raisins are known as Raisinets.  Raisinets were the earliest and one of the most popular brands of the product.  Currently made by Nestle, they are the third largest selling candy in United States history.  The Blumenthal Chocolate Company introduced the Raisinets to the United States in 1927 and then in 1984, the brand was acquired by Nestle.  There are also a large number of other brands of chocolate covered raisins on the market. 

Raisins are an excellent source of calcium, potassium, iron, fiber and vitamin B.  When you combine the raisins with dark chocolate, you have a great tasting, healthy snack.


Try one of the following recipes:

Raisin-oni (Chocolate Raisin Clusters)
Easy Chocolate-Covered Raisins (Crock-Pot)
Deluxe Oatmeal Raisinets Cookies

History from Wikipedia

The historical origins of the chocolate covered raisin are unknown. However, most early references tend to originate from the Germanic-speaking regions of Europe.

A popular folk tale mentions “kleine Schokokugeln” (little chocolate balls). Schokokugeln are a popular form of candy treat found widely in modern Germany.

A traditional Germanic children’s Christmas prayer also contains “…Meine kleine Schokokugeln, oh, wie edel man die Früchte hängen nach unten zu verherrlichen. Mein Weinberg weint mit guter Laune an diesem Geschenk des Himmels” (…my little chocolate balls, oh, how nobly you glorify the fruit hanging down. My vineyard weeps with good cheer at this gift from heaven..).

It is also likely that a precursor form of this food existed in Mesoamerican cultures, given the known consumption of cacao based foods within these ancient societies e.g. a chocolate coated nut, or berry.

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