Home Food The Picnic Table Was Designed In The 1800’s

The Picnic Table Was Designed In The 1800’s

National Picnic Day (Foodimentary.com)

April 23rd is a day for everyone to enjoy a meal outside.  It is National Picnic Day!

There are a variety of ways to take part in a picnic.  This meal hearkens back to mid-18th-century al fresco French dining when all you needed was a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, some cheese and fruit and you could have a party under the sky.

From the French for piquenique, picnic means a meal eaten outdoors.

From barbecues to simple cold plates, picnics are light informal affairs intended to be relaxing and fun for everyone to enjoy the day.

  • Did you know that a “picnic” ham is really not a true ham? It is cut from the upper part of the foreleg of a pig – a true ham is cut from the hind leg.
  • Italy’s favourite picnic day is Easter Monday. It is called “Angel’s Monday” or Pasquetta (“Little Easter”)
  • After an ant has visited your picinc, it lays down a scent as it returns to the nest for the other ants to follow!
  • In the year 2000, a 600-mile-long picnic took place in France to celebrate the first Bastille Day of the new millennium.
  • The first table designed specifically for picnics (in a style similar to what we know today) appeared in the late 180


National Day Calendar
