Home People Would You Pay $30,000 Or More To Look Like Ivanka Trump? (Video)

Would You Pay $30,000 Or More To Look Like Ivanka Trump? (Video)

ivanka trump
Ivanka Trump (Image: donate.donaldjtrump.com)

When a woman shows a celebrity picture to her plastic surgeon and says, “I want to look like her!” the face glowing on her phone might be Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson. And now, say some surgeons, the new star is Ivanka Trump.

“In my practice, Ivanka is sort of the new style icon for plastic surgery,” says Houston surgeon Franklin Rose, who says he’s already performed extensive work on “several” women who wanted to look more like President Trump’s elder daughter.

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And why not? “I think she’s exquisite,” Rose says.

So does one of his patients, Jenny Stewart, 37, who last summer underwent more than six hours of surgery by Rose to reshape her nose and augment her breasts. She got liposuction to harvest fat to lift her buttocks, and she got injectable fillers for her face. All of it cost about $30,000, a discount because Stewart agreed to do interviews with reporters.

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