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Over 2 Billion Pounds Of Bacon Is Produced Each Year In The U.S.

National Pig Day, observed annually on the 1st of March, recognizes the domesticated pig. This holiday includes events and celebrations at zoos, schools, nursing homes and sporting events around the United States.  Pig parties, pig parades, and gatherings with pig collectibles are a few of the other events that have commemorated National Pig Day.

  • In Dublin in 1772, a trained swine called the Learned Pig told time, counted and other such tricks to entertain crowds in the streets.
  • Pigs have been popular storybook characters for generations. From A.A. Milne’s Piglet to E.B. White’s Wilbur, pigs have an endearing and flavorful quality about them that makes us love them.
  • There are hundreds of different breeds, most of which are descended from the Eurasian Wild Boar. The female is called a gilt or sow and can produce 10 piglets in a single litter.
  • The pork industry supports about 550,000 jobs.
  • Pork accounts for 40% of all meat consumed around the world, which makes it the most consumed animal protein worldwide. China is the leader in pork consumption with 90 lbs. per person each year.
  • Pigs were the first animals to be domesticated.
  • Over 2 billion pounds of bacon is produced each year in the U.S.
  • Adult pigs can run up to 11 mph. That’s a 7-minute mile.
  • A pig’s squeal can get up to 115 decibels. That’s only 3 decibels higher than a supersonic airliner.
  • Pigs have 20 different vocalizations to communicate with each other.
  • Pigs are naturally clean and organized.
  • Human heart valves are commonly replaced by porcine heart valves.
  • Denmark has more pigs than people.
  • Pigs have 15,000 taste buds, while humans only have 9,000.
  • They can drink up to 14 gallons of water a day.
  • Pigs need to eat 3 pounds of feed to gain 1 pound.
  • Plenty of people use the saying ‘sweating like a pig,’ but that is technically incorrect because pigs have very few sweat glands. That is why they prefer to roll around in the mud.
  • In Chinese culture, pigs are viewed as a sign of fertility because of the size of their litters. Couples decorate their homes with pigs in hopes of conceiving.
  • Dating back to 1500 B.C., bacon has been a favorite for millennia.
  • The phrase “bring home the bacon” originated during the 12th Century when a church in England offered a side of bacon to any man who could swear before the church that he had not had a fight with his wife for a year. Any man that could bring home the bacon was then highly respected among the community.
  • Pigs were reported to be used in ancient warfare tactics. Alexander the Great reportedly used pigs as a counter attack to elephants, since elephants were terrified of a pig’s loud squeals. Pigs have also been used for their keen sense of smell to source out buried land mines in more modern wars.
  • In France, pigs are used to search for truffles due to their keen sense of smell.


National Day Calendar

Ag Hires

Faith Based Events


Real Pig Farming


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