Home Automobiles Google Patents Pedestrian Flypaper For Self-Driving Cars

Google Patents Pedestrian Flypaper For Self-Driving Cars

Boop. (Image credit: United States Patent and Trademark Office)

Google knows that its self-driving cars are going to get into accidents — maybe even accidents involving pedestrians — and so the company has patented a unique solution to minimize injuries if this happens: human flypaper. The patent, granted earlier this week, describes “an adhesive layer positioned on the front end of the vehicle” that pedestrians will simply stick to “in the event of a collision.”

[vc_btn title=”More on Google hood paste” style=”outline” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theverge.com%2F2016%2F5%2F19%2F11711738%2Fgoogle-self-driving-cars-patent-sticky-flypaper|title:More%20on%20Google%20hood%20paste|target:%20_blank”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”turquoise”]By James VincentTheVerge, excerpt posted on  SouthFloridaReporter.com May 20, 2016 [/vc_message]
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