Home Consumer Gluten-free – How sure are you?

Gluten-free – How sure are you?

By Mark Young, SouthFloridaReporter.com Managing Editor, July 29, 2015 – Are you one of the millions of people trying to eat more responsibly by eliminating gluten products from your diet? Do you really know what products contain gluten, or do you rely on the labels?

How sure are you?

The following report entitled “Gluten-Free Labeling Is a Sticky Mess,” may enlighten you even more:

By Cameron Scott, HealthLine.com, July 29, 2015 – Gluten-free foods, though consumed by about one in five Americans, are seriously misunderstood.

That’s according to a new survey conducted by NSF International, a nonprofit that does consumer research and certification programs for the food industry.

“The gluten-free market is growing in double digits every year, but there is almost a literacy barrier — how much do consumers actually understand when you say that something is gluten-free?” said Jaclyn Bowen, a general manager at Quality Assurance International and the director of NSF International’s Consumer Values Verified program.

About half of the survey respondents could correctly define gluten. According to a recent Gallup Poll, more than 20 percent of Americans include foods labeled as gluten free in their diet, with numbers slightly higher among those with less education and income.

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