Home Articles Everything You Need to Know About Smoking Hemp Flower

Everything You Need to Know About Smoking Hemp Flower


Everyone knows that marijuana is currently illegal for recreational use in Florida, but it is possible to get medical marijuana if you get an exemption through your doctor. However, not many people know that hemp is a safe and legal alternative to marijuana that requires no exemption, and can be used recreationally as much as you want.

If you always wanted to try marijuana for medical or recreational reasons, you may want to learn more about smoking hemp flower and cannabidiol (CBD). You may find that it meets all of your needs. Here’s all of the basic information you need to know.

Hemp Flower Has No THC

Unlike marijuana, there is no THC in hemp, meaning there is no psychoactive component that makes you high. This is why hemp is legal and marijuana is not, as there is no impairment associated with it.

This can be both positive and negative. The benefit is that it’s much easier to smoke hemp, since it is legal. It also offers many of the same health benefits as marijuana (more on that below). However, the psychoactive elements of THC carry their own benefits that the CBD in hemp doesn’t, so there may be some health conditions you won’t receive with hemp. In those cases, you may still want to look into getting a medical exemption to use marijuana.

Benefits of Smoking Hemp Flower

There are numerous benefits to your health and wellness of CBD that you can get when smoking hemp flower. It has been found to help with the following issues:

  • Acute and chronic pain, including arthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Stress, anxiety and depression, including PTSD
  • Sleep quality, including people with sleep disorders like insomnia
  • Acne and other skin conditions caused by inflammation
  • Seizure disorders like epilepsy
  • Cancer-related symptoms

The benefit of smoking hemp flower is that it is the fastest way to feel the effects of CBD, which can be a big help if you are suffering from a health disorder listed above and need quick relief. Smoking hemp flower allows the CBD to be absorbed quickly through your lungs, so you feel the effects in as little as 10 minutes.

Risks of Smoking Hemp Flower

It’s beneficial to learn about the risks and side effects of smoking hemp flowers. As mentioned, it will not make you high or alter your cognitive abilities at all. There are some potential minor side effects of CBD, such as diarrhea, fatigue, and a change in your appetite.

There is a greater risk for side effects if the hemp flower you smoke is of poor quality, or contaminated with harmful chemicals from when it was grown. This is why you should make sure you only get good quality hemp flower, like those found at https://greenunicornfarms.com/blog/best-cbd-flower-strains/.

There is also a risk from the act of smoking. Hemp is safer to smoke than cigarettes since hemp joints do not have the same harmful chemicals added. However, you are still ingesting carcinogens, so it carries the same health risk as smoking marijuana.

The risk is increased if you smoke it all the time, so that’s something to keep in mind when you consider why and how you want to use CBD.