Home Articles Buying and Using CBD Oil in Florida

Buying and Using CBD Oil in Florida


There have been big changes in the laws surrounding marijuana in Florida, and in other areas of the USA. It is now legal to use medical marijuana throughout the state, and also to purchase CBD oil with up to 0.8% THC content.

What does this mean?

CBD oil – cannabidiol – is used by many people as pain relief, to help with sleep, and for many other reasons. It is used by those suffering from cancer, from chronic pain, and from a wide variety of ailments, and with great success.

It is, however, important that you understand that there are still certain laws surrounding the substance, so let’s try and explain in plain and simple terms what it’s all about.

What is Legal?

The first point to make is that it is still illegal to purchase marijuana – as in weed – in Florida (as it is in much of the rest of the USA). Doing so may get you imprisoned. What is legal is medical marijuana, which is made in a certain way, and from certain strains of the cannabis plant.

Also legal – as we mentioned above – is CBD oil with THC content of up to 0.8%. THC is the important factor here. THC is the compound of the cannabis plant – there are more than a hundred that have been found so far, and many are being evaluated for medical use – that produces the psychoactive effect when you smoke weed. In simple, THC is the ‘mind altering’ part of cannabis.

There are some CBD oils on the market that contain no THC. However, many users – or patients – find that a minimal amount of THC in their oil gives better results. So, you can legally buy – either on the high street or online – CBD oil with that amount of THC in Florida. For many people, this is very good news indeed.

How to Take CBD and Where to Buy It

The legalization of CBD oil in Florida has instigated a great boom in the market. This has its advantages – you have more to choose from is one – and also its downsides.

The problem is there are now many poor-quality CBD products around. These need to be avoided, as they may be contaminated and therefore unsafe, or simply not what they claim to be.

This is why we advocate you look for only the best quality CDB oil, and you can discover all you know about where to find it at this site.

An increasingly popular method is to take CBD oil as ‘gummies’, essentially candy-type edibles that you eat. This is very convenient indeed, and nobody else needs to know what you are doing! CBD oil can also be ingested as a tincture and is also available as a salve, and there are other ways of taking it too. It’s worth checking out what’s best for you, as there is plenty to choose from.

It is entirely legal to buy CBD oil from a shop or online in Florida, as long as that you buy has no more than 0.8% THC content.

Use resources such as the link supplied to find quality products local to you, and don’t confuse the legality of medical cannabis with smoking weed, which is still illegal in Florida.