Home Consumer Best Temperature For Sleep

Best Temperature For Sleep

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Are you experiencing fitful, disrupted sleep? Do you find yourself tossing and turning, struggling to get comfortable?

Does it take you a long time to finally drift off after laying down for the night?

Have you checked your thermostat?

The temperature of your bedroom has more influence on your sleep than you may think!

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Changes in temperature are part of the key signals our body sends to let our brains know it’s time to hit the hay — and your warm, cozy bedroom might be the cause of significant disruptions in this line of communication.

Figure out what’s your ideal temperature for sleep, and incorporate these tips and tricks into your bedtime routine for a deeper, more satisfying sleep experience.​

Quick Navigation
* How Does Temperature Affect Your Sleep And Circadian Rhythms?​

* How Your Body Temperature Might Cause Insomnia​

* The Optimal Temperature For Sleep​

* How to Improve Newborn and Infant Sleep​

* 8 Tips Beyond Lowering The Thermostat: Other Ways To Cool Down While You Sleep​

1. Adjust your bedding for the season​

2. Use cotton sheets​

3. Swap your pillows​

4. Evaluate your sleep attire​

5. Eat smaller meals in evening​

6. Warm up with a bath or shower​

7. Drink cool water​

8. Change your sleep position​

* Colder Is Not Always Better

* Sweet Dreams

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Alisa is an avid yogi, health enthusiast and lover of life and especially enjoys a good nights sleep. As a sufferer of insomnia she is passionate about spreading the science of healthy and restful sleep but also enjoys reading a good book, cooking a healthy meal or spending time with her dog Lashka.