Home Consumer 10 Brain Boosting Superfoods You Need To Add To Your Diet

10 Brain Boosting Superfoods You Need To Add To Your Diet


Getting a healthy diet is more than just focusing on nutrients that support your digestive system. It’s more than just supporting your heart and artery health. You also need to support your brain health.

The food that we eat directly affects our brain. By getting the right type of nutrients, we can improve the way our brains function. It’s possible to avoid some age-related diseases and prevent cognitive decline. There is the chance to improve memory centers and support the development throughout the body.

You just need to make sure you eat the brain boosting superfoods. Out of all the food out there, these are the 10 superfoods you need to add to your diet right now.

Stock Up on the Oily Fish

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Whether you prefer salmon, tuna, mackerel or another oily fish, make sure you stock up on it. Fish is one of the most popularly suggested foods when it comes to improving brain power. It’s all in the omega-3 fatty acids in fish, along with the protein.

Protein is essential for the whole body, but most importantly it helps the brain to release the right hormones. These hormones include serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine to avoid the build up of stress hormones. With the right hormones working, you will feel happier and be able to starve off mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

We also can’t forget about vitamin B12, which is in a large abundance of oily fish. Vitamin B12 is known for improving the nervous system; keeping it working when it needs to. It will help with the cognitive tissues that keep the brain in full working order.

But it is the omega 3 that makes fish a superfood. Omega 3 is essential for keeping the brain power to a healthy level. It helps to improve both the long and short-termmemory while boosting the hormone release. When you have a good level of omega 3, you will feel more focused and in tune with the world.

Omega 3s also help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation causes the tissues to become damaged. The cells don’t get the blood flow they need and start to die off. Chronic inflammation has been linked to ADHD, “baby brain,” depression, and dementia.

You don’t need a lot of oily fish in your diet. Two portions a week is more than enough!

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