Home Consumer 18 Science-Backed Tips To Help You Stop Burping and Hiccupping

18 Science-Backed Tips To Help You Stop Burping and Hiccupping

(Image: howshealth.com)

Burping shows that you enjoyed the food. In some cultures. But for you, you probably just want to know how the heck to stop burping! It can be extremely loud and embarrassing. And when it brings up an aftertaste of your meal, it’s just plain disgusting.

And its cousin, hiccups, is just as annoying. Though small and short, hiccups can disrupt your everyday activities. And sometimes they get painful too!

Many of the home remedies you find online are just plain weird. Some are backed by science though. And weird as they are, they just might work for you!

But first of all, what exactly is this thing we’re trying to stop?

What is burping?

Burping also goes by other names—belching or eructation. It occurs when you have excess air or gas in your stomach.

The gases can leave your body through two exits: your behind (which turns into farts). Or up your esophagus and out your mouth. And you end up creating a rich and lovely belch.

This is a natural body function. You can’t get rid of it entirely. For most cases, burping won’t cause any physical health damages either. But when it becomes too annoying or embarrassing, you’ll want to lessen the frequency.

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