This Weekend’s Billionaire Birthday Bash That Trump Won’t Miss!

Stephen Schwarzman and his wife Christine Hearst Schwarzman (Splash News photo)

President Donald Trump is coming under fire from every direction, so what’s a creature of habit like The Donald to do?

Retreat to the familiar, of course.

It’s officially confirmed that he’ll be back at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, and we wouldn’t be surprised to see him pop up at buddy billionaire Stephen A. Schwarzman‘s lavish 70th birthday party.

A decade ago, Trump and Melania were there for Schwarzman’s 60th, which was called the “beginning of the end of Wall Street’s gilded age.” It was a multi-million dollar orgy of excess right before the economy collapsed that earned Schwarzman an unflattering profile on the front-page of the well-known liberal rag, the Wall Street Journal.

Faith Based Events

And Schwarzman, worth $11.6 billion, who was recently appointed to head Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum, a veritable who’s who of sticking it to the American worker, doesn’t seem to have learned any lessons.

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading ” style=”outline” color=”primary” link=”|title:Continue%20reading%20|target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]By Jose Lambiet,, excerpt posted on, Feb. 8, 2017 [/vc_message]


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