Home Consumer Today Is National Blueberry Popover Day

Today Is National Blueberry Popover Day


What better way to start March 10th then with National Blueberry Popover Day? Popovers are light, airy rolls that puff up when baked, popping over the edge of the tin.  They are light and crispy on the outside, while the insides are warm and often hollow.  They can be filled with custards, creams and fruits for a sweet treat, especially blueberries.

Popovers are similar to Yorkshire pudding and can also be served with savory combinations.

Most popover recipes are made using mostly eggs, milk, flour and salt.  When making popovers, using eggs and milk that are at room temperature produces the best result. The resulting batter is thin, but has enough air it that when it bakes the steam expands the batter, causing it to puff up and pop over the tin.  The egg proteins help the pastry hold it’s shape and eventually the crust turns flaky and golden.

** 1850 – The oldest known reference to popovers in a letter of E.E. Stuart.

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** 1876 – The first cookbook with a popover recipe was Practical Cooking by M.N. Henderson.


Try making some homemade blueberry popovers with this recipe: Toasted Coconut and Blueberry Popovers

Five things you should know about Blueberry Popovers (from Foodimentary.com)
  1. Native Americans once called blueberries “star berries,” because the five points of blueberry blossoms make a star shape.
  2. They held blueberries in high esteem, believing that the “Great Sprit” created the berries to feed their hungry children during famine.
  3. Blueberry juice had medicinal value for Native Americans as well and was used to treat persistent coughs and other illnesses.
  4. American poet, Robert Frost, loved blueberries so he wrote a poem about them.
  5. Blueberries are one of the only natural foods that are truly blue in color.


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