Home Food Today Is National Animal Crackers Day

Today Is National Animal Crackers Day

Animal Crackers Day

National Animal Crackers Day is observed on April 18.

This day brings us back to our childhood memories and the many boxes of Animal Crackers we shared with our friends.  Animal Crackers refer to a type of small cookie baked in the shape of circus or zoo animals, such as a lion, tiger, bear or elephant.  The most common variety are light-colored and slightly sweet. However,  chocolate and frosted varieties are also available.  Even though animal crackers are made with layered dough much like crackers, they are sweet like cookies.

National Animal Crackers Day is the perfect day to celebrate that childhood memory again. Pick up some animal crackers at your local grocery store and share them with family and friends.   Share your photos of your Animal Crackers Day celebration using #NationalAnimalCrackersDay.


National Animal Crackers Day is an unofficial holiday, and our research was unable to find the creator of the day.  Our research did locate information confirming in the late 1800s animal shaped cookies were imported to the U.S. from England.  In 1902 animal crackers officially became known as “Barnum’s Animals” and evoked the familiar circus theme of the Barnum and Bailey Circus.  Later that year, the now-familiar box with a string was designed for the Christmas season made to hang from the Christmas tree.  They were a big hit in 1902 and still are today. (http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2012/04/18/national-animal-crackers-day/)

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