Home Business The Miami Fight Over Right To Sue To Block Controversial Development

The Miami Fight Over Right To Sue To Block Controversial Development

A rendering of planned development on Watson Island

A proposed amendment to Miami’s charter that would help a series of lawsuits aimed at stopping controversial mega-projects on public waterfront land has drawn fierce opposition from City Attorney Victoria Mendez.

Amendment supporters, on the other hand, accuse Mendez of running interference because she fears the lawsuits — if allowed to move forward — would expose her office’s role in violating the city charter, breaking Florida’s public records law and feeding misinformation to city commissioners before they voted on the mega-projects.

“The city attorney has been conducting a vigorous campaign against this provision because if it passes, multiple cases will be brought back to court,” said Stephen Herbits, a Venetian Islands homeowner suing to stop a mega-project on Watson Island. “When the merits of these cases are finally heard by a neutral court with witnesses under oath, the city attorney will find it difficult to explain her own role in them.”

[vc_btn title=”More on controversial mega-projects ” style=”outline” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.floridabulldog.org%2F2016%2F07%2Fthe-miami-fight-over-the-right-to-sue-to-stop-controversial-development%2F|title:More%20on%20controversial%20mega-projects%20|target:%20_blank”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”turquoise”]By Francisco Alvarado, FloridaBulldog.org, Special to SouthFloridaReporter.com July 13, 2016[/vc_message]