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Sunburn – The Morning Read Of What’s Hot In Florida Politics – 8.10.21

No mask or no pay, Ron DeSantis tells school districts. Image via AP.

  By Peter Schorsch    

Carlton Fields snapped up Erin VanSickle from the Office of Insurance Regulation, the firm announced Tuesday.

Congratulations to Erin VanSickle, making the jump from public service to the private sector.

VanSickle most recently worked as Deputy Chief of Staff at OIR, though her resume includes more than 15 years of experience spanning regulated industries, public policy, public affairs, and crisis management. She will put that expertise to work for Carlton Fields’ Government Law and Insurance Regulatory teams.

“Erin’s multifaceted skill set is a tremendous asset to our clients,” said William Sklar, who heads the firm’s Government Law and Consulting Practice. “Her experience in Florida state government, paired with her knowledge of insurance regulations, makes her an excellent addition to our team.”

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VanSickle oversaw communications, emergency management and other strategic initiatives for OIR, which regulates the state’s $154 billion insurance industry and more than 4,400 insurance-related entities in Florida.

She has also served as director of external affairs for Volunteer Florida and the Volunteer Florida Foundation, as vice president of communications and marketing at the Florida Medical Association, and as the director of communications at the Republican Party of Florida. VanSickle has also run her own shop that advised local and statewide public affairs and legislative initiative campaigns.

“Carlton Fields is a premier law firm with a substantial insurance regulatory practice,” VanSickle said. “I am excited to expand my government affairs practice using the full range of my experience in regulatory issues, public policy, and communications.”

VanSickle is a Florida licensed insurance agent who holds a master’s degree in risk management and insurance from Florida State University.

“We are thrilled to welcome Erin to our firm,” said Carlton Fields Tallahassee Office managing shareholder Christine Davis. “She strengthens our diverse Tallahassee team advising clients in a variety of matters of statewide importance.”


@NikkiFried: Defunding schools and school administrators for refusing to endanger children is third-world dictator level dangerous. This should alarm everyone in the country, not just Florida.

@ChristinaPushaw: Ultimately — Education funding is for the students. The kids didn’t make the decision to encroach upon parents’ rights. So any financial penalties for breaking the rule would be targeted to those officials who made that decision.

@fguzmanon7: Florida Gov Ron DeSantis threatens to somehow withhold salary of district superintendents and board members who move to mandate masks. Miami-Dade Superintendent: “a small price to pay considering the gravity of this issue.”

@Mike_Grieco: I’m not an employment lawyer, but I don’t think this is going to end well for the big cheese.

@Annette_Taddeo: Florida is losing the equivalent of 5 Parkland massacres a day to COVID. The cost of running for President in 2024.

@jenn_bradley: My Facebook feed is a sad place these days. Loss, sickness, prayer requests. The COVID-19 positivity rate in Senate District 5 is over 28%. Wow. Our vaccination rate is not too much higher. North Florida, we can do better! Get vaccinated!

@ShevrinJones: We are hitting a new low in Florida. When we get to the point to where the Governor is threatening the livelihood of school board members, for not following his unconstitutional madness, it’s definitely a new low!

@FentriceForFL: This is a gross misuse & abuse of power. The party that claims to embrace freedom the most finds ways on almost every issue to infringe on that for its people. This sidesteps home rule and directly saddles local communities who are fighting for our kids when our Governor won’t.

@goni_lessan: In response to this, in an agenda meeting just now, Leon County schools superintendent Rocky Hanna said, “You can’t put a price tag on someone’s life, including my salary.”

@ReportsDaNews: The current COVID-19 positivity rate for children in Florida: Ages 0-12 is 20% Ages 12-19 is 24% While DeSantis is threatening to withhold funding to school boards and now threatening to withhold school board member‘s salaries.

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