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Sunburn – The Morning Read Of What’s Hot In Florida Politics – 7.22.21

Eight Hopping Green & Sams partners exit to cut the ribbon on a new Holtzman Vogel office one floor up.

 By Peter Schorsch    

Eight partners at Hopping Green & Sams have left the firm to join one of the nation’s top law firms, The Vogel Group, and top political law firms, Holtzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky & Josefiak.

Making the move: Eileen StuartDavid ChildsMo JazilGary PerkoKent SafrietGary Hunter and Robert Volpe. The cohort will cut the ribbon on the firms’ inaugural Florida office and headquartered in Tallahassee.

The team won’t be moving far. The Holtzman Vogel office will be on the fifth floor of 119 S. Monroe St., a floor up from Hopping Green & Sams.

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Stuart, Hunter and Childs will continue to serve their extensive roster of government relations clients at the local, state and federal levels. Jazil, Perko, Safriet and Volpe will bolster Holtzman Vogel’s fast-growing litigation practice at the state and federal levels.

Though now under a different banner, the Florida team still sports a proven track record of success in the state Capitol and in the courtroom. They will now be backed up by their new firm’s extensive bench strength to provide enhanced services to clients across Florida and in the nation’s capital.

“The unification of our established Florida practice with the firm’s impressive federal practice creates exponential benefits for our clients and unparalleled opportunities to grow our business,” Stuart said. “It is truly a situation where one-plus-one equals 10. We all quickly recognized the huge upside across the board to join forces.”

This expansion is the latest in a string of additions to both firms, as they continue to establish new offices outside of the beltway.

In a joint statement, Vogel Group CEO Alex Vogel and Holtzman Vogel Managing Partner Jill Holtzman Vogel said, “We are thrilled to welcome this impressive Florida team to our firms. They bring decades of significant experience and deep relationships in Florida, which will be critical to our clients as Florida continues to become a major hub for commerce, business, and politics.”


​​Experts to talk ‘3Ts’ at Florida Chamber webinar — The Florida Chamber Foundation will host a webinar Monday as part of its Continuing the Conversation series. The panel discussion will feature University of Chicago physician Dana Suskind, Florida Business Alliance for Early Learning Chair Kim Reckley, and Early Learning Coalition Executive Director Erin Smeltzer. The trio will discuss the “3Ts — Tune In, Talk More and Take Turns,” an educational program developed by Suskind that helps parents and caregivers understand their critical role in children’s brain development. The webinar will dive into the importance of early childhood brain development and current efforts underway across Florida. The webinar begins at 2 p.m. It is free to attend, but registration closes Friday.

Register here.


@DWStweets: (RonDeSantis wanted full credit for reopening Florida before we beat the virus. Now, as our hospitals become inundated and patients are forced to suffer alone, let’s make sure he gets it.

@StevenTDennis: (MitchMcConnell has been pro-vaccine from even before they were approved. Mentions at almost every news conference back in Kentucky. But seems like tide shifting among other Rs in last few days?

@MarkGraban: “I’m mad, I’m upset, I’m depressed because we’re going to watch people needlessly die over the next month or two for no good reason,” Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi’s state health officer, said at a briefing Tuesday.

@Amy_Siskind: Florida had 7,740 COVID-19 cases yesterday — 1 in 5 of the entire country, and a 419% increase in its 14-day trend. #DeathSantis says let it burn — no restrictions.

@KevinCate: Florida just reported 8,988 new cases of COVID-19 to the @CDCgov, the most daily cases reported by the state since Feb. 5, 2021.

@JaniceDean: I love these people who criticize Florida’s Governor for COVID-19 deaths/misinformation but have never tweeted about (AndrewCuomo’s thousands of nursing home deaths which he covered up to sell his 5.1 million dollar book.

@KirbyWTweets: Something every hospital executive I’ve talked to has said: The hospitalized COVID-19 patient is younger than ever before. Tom VanOsdol, the CEO of Ascension Florida, just said the median COVID-19 patient age at his facilities is 49.

@MarshallCohen: PEOPLE AROUND TRUMP CHARGED WITH CRIMES SINCE HE TOOK OFFICE IN 2017: Michael FlynnMichael CohenRoger StoneSteve BannonPaul ManafortRick GatesAlan WeisselbergGeorge NaderElliott BroidyGeorge Papadopoulos, and now Tom Barrack. (And the [DonaldTrump Organization itself.)

@BurgWinkle: A gift to Kevin McCarthy would be a box set of “Home Improvement” on Blu-ray. Republicans are rolling the Boulder uphill on “the Jan. 6 insurrection wasn’t bad” takes and I don’t think this changes that at all.

@BMcNuldy#Miami tied its record high heat index for today at 106°F. The last time we reached that high on this date was 1983. Winter can’t come soon enough


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