Observed every year on May 24th, Brother’s Day honors the brothers in our lives. Whether we have one or many, our brothers hold a special place in our hearts. Even if for those who don’t have brothers, someone in their life is usually like a brother to them. Brothers from other mothers are found in a best friend, a brother-in-law, or a cousin. They are the men in our lives we count on even when we don’t talk very often. We share memories, challenges that frequently began with the phrase, “Watch this!” soon followed by a few stitches.
- How many famous brothers can you think of? What about the Brother’s Grimm, famous for their stories? Or the Wright brothers, who pioneered the first airplanes?
- Liam and Noel Gallagher of Oasis are brothers. Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb made up the Bee Gees. The Jackson 5 were all brothers – can you name any more?
- Men or boys can be hard to deal with and for a girl, having an elder brother can provide great insight to understanding them. From the time a young lady starts dating, an elder brother can help her navigate through and past a lot of the early misunderstandings she may experience at the start of the relationships.
- Girls who have older brothers tend to make good fighters, literally and figuratively. You learn to stand up for yourself and make your voice heard. You learn to not get pushed around by anyone.
- For most young girls, an older brother begins your lifelong obsession with sports or your favorite sports teams.
- Older brothers teach their little sisters exactly how they should be treated by a man.
- Having an older brother means you will have a steady stream of suitors.
- Men typically don’t know much about girls. However, your brother has the upper hand to learning just how to treat or talk to a woman.
- Brothers Make Men Fertile. Strange but true: A study by the University of Sheffield found that the more brothers a man has, the faster his sperm swim and the greater his fertility.
- Brothers Are a Bad Influence. The bottom line is brothers truly are trouble: Research from Wichita State University found that deviant behavior by older brothers increased the risk of younger siblings dabbling in risky behavior, from drugs to sex.
- Brothers Keep Sisters Virgins Longer. Little brothers really can be pests — to the point that their older sisters don’t have sex. An Australian study also found that presence of younger brothers delays how soon their sisters engage in sexual activities by more than a year.
- Brothers Raise Your Blood Pressure. Brothers, specifically younger brothers, will raise other siblings’ blood pressure, according to a Bolivian study. The possible reason: Younger brothers suck up their parents’ attention and place a greater burden on older siblings to keep it together.
- Older siblings are a tad smarter than their younger ones. Studies have shown although younger siblings are born with higher IQ by the time they turn 12, the tables turn around for the firstborns who gain a 3-point IQ advantage over their younger siblings
- Research revealed that 65% of mothers and 70% of fathers show a preference for one child over another.
- More siblings mean less likely to divorce as an adult. A study by Ohio State University revealed that each extra sibling (up to 7) cuts down a person’s tendency to split up with their partners in the future by about 2%.
- Younger siblings have a tendency to be more rebellious and extroverted. A study on 390 families conducted by the Leiden University in the Netherlands found that younger siblings were much more aggressive and rebellious as opposed to their older siblings.
- Siblings share bad habits with each other. Those siblings who don’t have much age-difference may have a tendency to behave differently as compared to their brothers and sisters.
- The youngest sibling is the funniest. Research from YouGov shows, in a general sense, birth order can shape your personality, and any of the stereotypes we hold about our siblings actually turn out to be kind of true (at least in this study).
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