New Move In Tally To Ban Red Light Cameras

Blasting red light cameras as a “back door tax” for cities, State Sen. Daphne Campbell has filed a bill to abolish them.

A state study released Dec. 31 found that total traffic accidents increased 10.14 percent in Florida after the cameras were installed.

Campbell said the study proves that the cameras were merely a money making device for cities.

Daphne Campbell

“My community struggles to make ends meet and is disproportionally affected by the back-door tax that cities are taking from them through the use of red-light cameras,” said Campbell, D-Miami. “I am proud to continue the fight against the unfairness of these unsafe, money-grabbing profiteering businesses.”

Faith Based Events

The number of jurisdictions using red light cameras has been declining in the state for years. Yet the state study found that the number of tickets has increased.

After an appellate court ruled in 2014 that Hollywood could not turn over its ticket procedures to a vendor, several local cities stopped their camera programs.

Still, four cities in Broward County continue to use them.

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading” style=”outline” color=”primary” link=”|title:Continue%20reading|target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]By Buddy Nevins,, excerpt posted on, Feb. 17, 2017[/vc_message]


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  1. Florida residents need to call and write their state Representatives, Senators and the Governor to politely but clearly insist that Senate Bill 630 to ban red light cameras becomes law. Let each official know you find the cameras are unacceptable and that total removal is the only solution. Contact information:

    James C. Walker, Life Member – National Motorists Association


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