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Mundane Chores Before The Pandemic May Now Be The Highlight Of Your Week (Video)


Things we considered mundane before the pandemic are now becoming the highlights of our weeks.

That’s according to a new survey of 2,005 Americans which discovered that nearly a third (32%) say the simple chore of doing laundry has become a highlight of their entire week.

Sixty-nine percent say that after spending so much time indoors, any new experience at all feels like a thrill.

The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Apple Vacations and Secrets Resorts & Spas aimed to examine just how cooped up people have been in the past year and discovered that 44% say grocery shopping is a surprisingly exciting moment in their lives.

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Thirty-five percent of people even admitted that filling up their gas tank has now taken on a surprising sense of excitement.

The desire to find a sense of escapism during this time is important for many. Fifty-nine percent of respondents are at “the end of their ropes” with being stuck inside.

As a result, 62% of those polled say that, since March 2020, what they want out of a real vacation has shifted significantly.

As soon as people feel safe to travel, 56% say they will go on the longest vacation of their entire lives.

Sixty-seven percent of people cannot wait to experience new sights and sounds in person, and they are willing to shell out in order to do so.

The average American is willing to spend nearly $7,000 just to finally get the chance to travel again.

“As Americans gear up to return to travel, providing them with the opportunity to safely unplug from the stresses of the last year – even if it means simply relaxing on a private beach – is more vital than ever,” stated Senior Director of Marketing, Consumer Brands at Apple Leisure Group, Dana Studebaker.

As people slowly begin to reintroduce themselves to society in a safe way, three in five are eager to finally have the opportunity to travel with friends and family as soon as lockdown measures are lifted.

Because of the pandemic, 59% say they’ve been bit by the travel bug — wanting to travel a lot more frequently than ever before.

Despite the desire to get away, over half (51%) only plan on traveling to places where COVID-19 tests are readily available.

Additionally, 56% of people plan on getting the vaccine as soon as they can just so they can finally travel.

“People are excited to travel again and they are looking for offerings that ensure they can do so safely, without taking away from the luxury experiences they’ve come to love while on vacation,” added Senior Vice President for Marketing and Communications for Secrets Resorts & Spas, Erica Doyne.


  1. Exercising 47%
  2. Taking a walk 44%
  3. Grocery shopping 44%
  4. Watching a favorite TV show 42%
  5. Watching a movie 35%
  6. Filling up the gas tank 35%
  7. Reading 32%
  8. Doing the laundry 32%
  9. Making breakfast 30%
  10. Baking 28%


[vc_message message_box_style=”solid-icon” message_box_color=”blue”]SWNS Digital, posted on SouthFloridaReporter.com, April 17, 2021[/vc_message]


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