Home Animals Look: Police Speed Camera Triggered By Fast-Flying Duck (Video)

Look: Police Speed Camera Triggered By Fast-Flying Duck (Video)

speeding duck
The male mallard was far enough over the limit to qualify for a one-month driving ban

 A camera normally meant for catching speedsters breaking the speed limit, caught a duck flying over the limit. Buzz60’s Sam Berman has the full story.

A speed camera in western Switzerland has snapped a duck twice within a period of three days, Swiss police said last Friday.

The camera in Köniz, a municipality southwest of the city of Bern, picked up the first offense as a duck shot through the air 22 kilometers per hour (13.5 miles per hour) over the speed limit for vehicles.

“The duck was traveling in a low-altitude flight at 52 kilometers per hour in a 30-kilometer zone,” local police said in a statement accompanying a picture of the airborne speed fiend.

Three days later, the same camera snapped a duck flying at a similar speed.

But police said they could not determine whether it was a repeat offender or whether they were dealing with a flock of felons.


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