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How to Start Exercising? Pre-Workout Routine


Everybody has a different goal and outcome they want to achieve when they start exercising. However, there’s one thing that everyone has in common — we all want an effective and beneficial workout to get the best result.

In order to achieve that, you should invest time and effort into your pre-workout routine because an excellent workout regime starts even before you can take your first step at the gym.

There are several things to consider to craft a smart and sound pre-workout routine. The following are a few things to include in your pre-workout ritual to maximize your workout result.

Eat for Fuel

We do not have the same digestive tendencies, so the correct timing of eating a pre-workout meal or snack varies from person to person. Generally, eating something one (1) hour before your workout will provide the adequate amount of energy you need. However, regardless of the timing, you must consider the type of food you will consume.

Look for foods that contain protein and carbohydrates, such as toast with peanut butter, to provide you energy when working out. In addition, fruits like oranges, apples, and bananas are complex carbohydrates, meaning they are a more sustainable form of energy. Protein shakes and high-protein meal replacements can also work.

Some people prefer not to eat before they exercise because they can get an upset stomach, but others are fine. Just remember, it’s different for each person. You should not be starving before exercising, but you should not be feeling full either.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Drinking plenty of water is already significant in our everyday lives and overall health, but it plays a vital part when you’re working out. It is because you’re going to sweat a lot when you exercise, which is why it is crucial to stay hydrated throughout the whole duration of your routine.

The exact amount of water needed to stay hydrated varies from each person because of factors like gender, age, height, weight, and workout intensity. However, active people are recommended to take 20 ounces of water before their workout routine as a guideline made by the American College of Sports Medicine.

Just remember that you wouldn’t want to chug the water right before you exercise unless you want to have multiple pee breaks and disruptions throughout your workout routine. Some benefits of hydration include:

  1. Battling dizziness and muscle cramps.
  2. Maintaining your needed energy level.
  3. Athletes perform at higher levels compared to dehydrated athletes.

Work Your Warm-Up

Skipping a warm-up is a cardinal sin when it comes to working out. Never disregard it, even if for a short and quick routine. The purpose of a warm-up is to give your body the opportunity to:

  1. Raise its range of motion and temperature.
  2. Stretch the muscles.
  3. Prepare it for the activity you’re about to partake in.

Easing yourself into your workout routine decreases the chance of injury, rather than jumping straight into your routine from a resting state. It also decreases the chance of straining your muscles and especially yourself.

Good Quality Sleep

Getting an adequate amount of rest is imperative for a balanced lifestyle. Being well-rested means you have the energy to power through every jog, sprint, or burpee you make. It also allows you to keep your hunger hormones in check, which means you are not undoing the efforts you invested by overeating throughout the day.

It is advised that you should have seven (7) hours or at least six and a half (6.5) hours of sleep. You should also minimize the use of electronics before your bed, so the light won’t keep you awake for the rest of the night. A good night’s rest is crucial because that’s the time when your body gets to recover.

Make a Playlist

Believe it or not, having a “workout song or playlist” is beneficial for your overall workout routine. Psychologically speaking, listening to the songs can pump you up and distract you from the other noise in the gym.

Studies revealed that songs with tunes falling between 120-140 beats per minute (BPM) are the best for working out.

The Bottom Line

A sloppy pre-workout routine can lead to an uninspired fitness session and even into severe physical injury. Having a smart and proper pre-workout ritual can help achieve your desired result.