Home Articles How Psychological Principles Can be Applied to Corporate Learning

How Psychological Principles Can be Applied to Corporate Learning


Most people believe that there is a one-to-one correlation between learning and doing. This is primarily due to the principle of transfer learning, which states that the knowledge and skills you learn in one context can be easily applied in another.

However, this assumption is false. In fact, a lot of research suggests that psychological principles can be applied to corporate learning – and this is something that companies should take into account. Here are five such principles.

The principle of elaborative rehearsal can be applied to corporate learning

You should reward learners when they remember and use the information they’ve learned in a new context. For example, you could give them feedback on their original ideas or allow them to present their findings as part of a larger discussion.

The principle of distributed cognition suggests that different parts of your brain are better at certain tasks than others

If you want your employees to learn something new, it’s best to split the task into smaller chunks and challenge each part of their brain. For example, you could have them work on a problem in isolation before coming together to discuss solutions.

The principle of multiple intelligences suggests that there are different types of intelligence and that we can all learn in different ways

You should encourage your employees to try new things and take risks, even if they don’t initially succeed. It will help them build up their creative skills, as well as their knowledge base.

The principle of cognitive overload suggests that when you try to learn too much at once, your brain becomes overwhelmed and stops working

You should avoid presenting learners with too many new ideas at once. Instead, focus on breaking the information into manageable chunks, giving them plenty of opportunities to practice using it in new contexts.

The principle of intrinsic motivation suggests that people are more likely to continue learning if they enjoy what they’re doing

You should create a fun atmosphere where employees feel supported and motivated to learn.  You can achieve this by implementing fun learning materials, encouraging creativity and risk-taking, and providing feedback that is both active and positive.

The principle of spaced repetition suggests that you should repeat information to your employees gradually and at a comfortable frequency

You should give learners repeated opportunities to use the new knowledge rather than presenting it all at once in a single lesson. This will help to build up their confidence and skills, as well as their memory retention.

The principle of feedback suggests that you should provide learners with regular feedback on their progress

Providing regular feedback will help them to learn how to improve their performance, and it will also reinforce the new knowledge that they’ve acquired. You can give feedback in a variety of ways, including verbal praise, constructive criticism, or motivational messages.

The principle of practice makes it clear that you must provide learners with ample opportunities to practice the new skills and knowledge they’ve acquired

This is key because students can only develop a strong understanding of the material through repeated exposure. You can offer learners practical exercises or tests to measure their progress, or you can simply ask them how they use the new information in their daily lives.

By following these eight principles, you can help to create a fun and productive learning environment for your employees. This will not only facilitate their absorption of new knowledge but will also encourage them to take on challenges and learn new skills rapidly.

Also, you can integrate these principles into learning management systems so that you can track student progress and adjust instruction accordingly.