Home Business How to Create Powerful PowerPoint Presentations

How to Create Powerful PowerPoint Presentations


It’s bound to happen soon rather than later. Many of us in the business arena will be expected at some point to give a presentation to our colleagues.

powerpointAre you living in fear of your future business presentation? The fear of public speaking is said to be as intense as the fear of death. While public speaking certainly is not for the faint-hearted, knowing what it expected is the key to your success.

Delivering the perfect presentation relies on your preparation. The better prepared you are, the more impressive your performance will be. Here are some tips that you can use to help you put together a presentation that blows your audience away and lands you the deal.

Create Outstanding Slides with Free Software

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There is a myriad of free software tools at your disposal on the internet. If you use a windows based computer, the Microsoft paint is a great free tool to use to create slides that sell. Another free tool that offers excellent functionality for building impressive slides is Canva. Just drag and drop images, create text with a range of font choices and backgrounds that make your slide stand out.

If you are struggling to put together slides, then check out some free tutorials on YouTube, there are many informative video tutorials on everything from how to how to resize a pdf image to how to create an outstanding background. Remember to keep the color scheme and layout theme consistent throughout your presentation and download a template to help you make every slide look consistent.

The Best Presentation Structure

Author and world-renowned speaker, Guy Kawasaki, developed what he called, the 10-20-30 rule, for creating effective presentations that capture the attention of the audience. The rule states that you should have no more than ten slides to your presentation and it should last no longer than twenty minutes in total.

All of the text you use on your slides should be made in a 30 font so that the ideas are readily visible to everyone in the audience. This structure is ideal, however, if you find that your presentation is too technical and requires a few more slides, try to keep the total slide count under twenty and never go over the thirty-minute mark for your presentation.

Tips for Presenting

When you are up there on stage, ready to begin your presentation, take a second to crack an opening statement that has a humorous edge to it.

When you do begin to speak, make sure that your words are clear and concise. Answer any immediate questions that come up and if you feel they require too long an answer, tell the person that you will answer their query at the end of the presentation.

Try to limit speaking with hand gestures, too many people talk with their hands, and this can be a distraction in a presentation. Save any hand gestures and facial expressions for crucial points that you want to drive home with your audience. Hold eye contact with members of the crowd but remember not to stare at anyone for longer than a second or two. Move about on stage and slowly walk from one side to another.

Wrapping Up

Public speaking is all about preparation. Ask friends and family members if they would critique your presentation and take their advice. The more you practice, the easier it will be when you finally step on stage.

Go get ’em!


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