Broward Republican Chair Resigns

Broward Republican Chair Christine Butler

 By, Special to, July 23, 2015 – Broward Republican Chair Christine Butler is resigning. In an email to Broward Republicans, Butler says she is moving to Palm Beach County to run for the Supervisor of Elections Office. Butler says she will remain in office until August 31.

Here’s the email:

Dear BREC Members:

It is important that I share with you recent developments affecting my ability to continue as your elected Chairman.   It is with great joy that I announce that I have recently become engaged and plan to be married in September.  After careful consideration of personal, career and political goals, I have decided to move to Palm Beach County.   My law office and practice are already located in Boca Raton.

As I will no longer be living in Broward County as of September 1, it will be necessary for me to resign from my position as Chairman of BREC, effective August 31, 2015.  I will remain in my position as Chairman through the August 24 BREC meeting.

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