Broward Health’s Troubles Bleed Into Broward Judge Nina Di Pietro’s Campaign

Nina Di Pietro with Jordan Zimmerman, at a fundraiser he threw for her. He won a huge advertising contract at Broward Health (BrowardBeat)

Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro may have won his seat back pending an appeal after a Broward judge decided the governor suspended him illegally.

But the bruised health system’s troubles have bled into the courthouse career of Di Pietro’s wife career.

An ethics complaint has been filed against Broward County Judge Nina Di Pietro – David’s spouse.

According to the complaint, an awful lot of Nina’s campaign contributions can be traced to Broward Health.

Faith Based Events

The complaint  also alleges that Nina Di Pietro violated judicial ethics by “liking” a Facebook post concerning her husband’s suit against Gov. Rick Scott. The complaint calls the judge’s actions on Facebook akin to signing a “public petition” criticizing her husband’s suspension.

The Facebook “like” is featured in a screen grab on the political blog linked here. 

The ethics code states:

[vc_btn title=”More on Nina Di Pietro” style=”outline” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”|title:More%20on%20Nina%20Di%20Pietro|target:%20_blank”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”turquoise”]

By Buddy Nevins,, for, April 12, 2016 

[/vc_message][vc_message message_box_color=”green”]

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