Home Consumer Broward Health Gave Company With Financial Ties To Gov. Scott 25-Year, No-Bid...

Broward Health Gave Company With Financial Ties To Gov. Scott 25-Year, No-Bid Contract

Gov. Rick Scott
Gov. Rick Scott announces plans to seek new cancer research funds during an April 2014 visit to the Fort Myers headquarters of 21st Century Oncology, a company in which he owns an indirect financial interest. Company chief executive Dr. Daniel Dosoretz is at far right. Photo: NBC-2, WBBH Fort Myers

An oncology company financially connected to Gov. Rick Scott got a no-bid contract four years ago from taxpayer-supported Broward Health for as long as 25 years – an unprecedented term.

Scott was an investor in a private equity firm that owns 21st Century Oncology, state records show. The Fort Myers-based cancer care company got the contract in 2012 to supply radiation oncology services to Broward’s biggest public health system.

The value and language of the contract with 21st Century Oncology are not known. The hospital system’s lawyers denied a public records request by FloridaBulldog.org for a copy of the contract.

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By Dan Christensen and Buddy Nevins, FloridaBulldog.org, Special to SouthFloridaReporter.com, Feb. 22, 2016 

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