Home Consumer Airlines Are Starting to Ban Hoverboards

Airlines Are Starting to Ban Hoverboards

By Matt Zuzolo, The Points GuySouthFloridaReporter.com, Dec. 11, 2015 – If you’ve been in any crowded public spaces over the past few months, you’ve likely encountered a hoverboard — the two-wheeled Segway-like people mover that zooms around at speeds of up to approximately 12 mph. Recently, they were banned in New York City, and you may be familiar with the explosions and fires that have occurred as they’ve become more popular over the past few months. The devices, which are mostly manufactured overseas in China, are largely unregulated and many contain a lithium-ion battery. They’re available for purchase online and in stores and can cost anywhere from a couple hundred dollars to more than $1,000, depending on the vendor.

Thursday afternoon, Delta announced that it would no longer permit hoverboards on its aircraft due to safety concerns. This update is effective starting today, December 11, 2015, and includes both carry-on and checked luggage.


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