Home News Advertising Mogul Threw Fundraiser For Broward Health Chairman’s Wife

Advertising Mogul Threw Fundraiser For Broward Health Chairman’s Wife

Jordan Zimmerman is flanked by Broward Health Commissioners Darryl Wright, left, and David Di Pietro at last June’s fundraiser for Judge Nina Di Pietro. (Photo: Downtown Photo, Fort Lauderdale)

Just seven weeks after signing a $2.1 million-a-year no-bid contract with Broward Health, advertising executive Jordan Zimmerman threw a political fundraiser for the wife of the hospital district’s chairman.

Broward County Court Judge Nina Di Pietro, whose husband David Di Pietro chairs Broward Health’s board of commissioners, raised almost $22,000, nearly all of it from lawyers, auto dealers and other non-healthcare companies, campaign records say.

Jordan and Terry Zimmerman, his wife, spent nearly $2,000 hosting the June 25 reception at Zimmerman Advertising’s showcase modernistic headquarters on North Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale.

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By Dan Christensen and Buddy Nevins, FloridaBulldog.org, Special to SouthFloridaReporter.com, Feb. 29, 2016 

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