Home Consumer 15 Healthy Benefits of Pears +5 Delicious Pear Recipes

15 Healthy Benefits of Pears +5 Delicious Pear Recipes


Pears are not only delicious, but they are also loaded with nutrients that are beneficial to the body. From improving digestion, lowering blood pressure, and improving heart health to increasing cognitive ability, there are numerous health benefits associated with these truly delicious fruits. Here are 15 health benefits of pears according to science, as well as five delicious and healthy recipes readers can make using pears.

1. Help with cancer prevention

Research after research reveals that antioxidants helps in the prevention of cancer as well as free radical damage that is attributed to different types of cancers.

Pears are an abundant source of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and fiber, all of which are well known for playing a protective role in various types of human cancers ranging from colon, breast to lung cancer.

Faith Based Events

The antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber and other vital nutrients present in these sweet fruits have also been found to help with maintaining a healthy diet, which is crucial for fighting against a wide array of cancer types. Therefore, consuming more fruits like pears can help protect against cancer also significantly lower the risk of developing cancer.

Bottom line

Pears are a rich source of Vitamin C and E, fiber and powerful antioxidants that, all of which combined help protect the body against various types of cancer and further lower the risk of getting cancer.

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