Home Articles The Real Cost of Auto Maintenance And How To Prepare For It

The Real Cost of Auto Maintenance And How To Prepare For It

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Car maintenance rarely makes it to the top of our to-do lists. After all, if it’s not broken, what’s there to fix? If you’re like most people, you don’t have much time to spend on preventative car maintenance. 

However, cars are machines and like all machines, they need regular care and attention in order to run smoothly. If you’re not regularly maintaining your car, the cost of auto maintenance can be a huge shock. So how can you prepare for the cost of maintenance, or avoid some of the cost all together?

Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/V37iTrYZz2E

Auto maintenance can be expensive if you’re not prepared for it

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If you’ve ever been unexpectedly hit with a large auto repair bill, you know how frustrating it can be. Not only is it a hassle to have your car out of commission, but it can also be very expensive. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prepare for unexpected auto maintenance costs. 

  • Create an emergency fund dedicated to car repairs. This way, if you do have a big repair bill, you won’t have to worry about dipping into other areas of your budget. 
  • Extended car warranties can cover the cost of certain unexpected repairs. If you didn’t buy a warranty from the dealership, there are still options from third party providers that will cover you. 
  • Try to stay on top of routine maintenance. By keeping up with scheduled oil changes and tire rotations, you can help prevent more serious (and expensive) problems down the road. 
  • Make sure you have a good auto insurance policy in place. While insurance won’t cover every repair, it can help defray the cost of certain types of damage.

If you try your best to follow these tips, you can avoid some of the unexpected car expenses that come from a lack of maintenance.

Check your fluids, leaks and brakes 

In addition to maintenance, you should also check your car’s fluids regularly. Keep an eye on the coolant level and top it off if necessary. Be sure to check the engine oil level regularly as well. If you notice any leaks, take your car to a mechanic right away. 

Besides following these tips, you should also drive carefully and avoid putting too much wear and tear on your car. Avoid potholes where you can, and avoid driving on roads that are damaged. This will help protect your car from unnecessary hardship. 

Save money on auto maintenance by doing some of the work yourself

Everyone knows that car maintenance and repairs can be expensive. But did you know that you can save money on auto maintenance by doing some of the work yourself? 

All you need is a YouTube and the right tools and you can handle everything from routine oil changes to more complex repairs. Best of all, you can avoid the high cost of labor at a professional shop. Don’t be afraid of a DIY repair. You can learn something new, and save some moolah at the same time!

Always have a spare tire and jack in your car in case of emergencies

No one likes to think about getting stranded on the side of the road, and nothing is more expensive than an emergency tow truck. It’s always better to be prepared, and that’s why it’s important to always have a spare tire and jack in your car. 

If you’re lucky, you may never have to use them, but if you do find yourself with a flat tire, you’ll be glad you have them. Even if you’ve never changed a tire before, it’s not as difficult as it looks, and having a spare tire can mean the difference between getting back on the road or being stranded for hours and having to pay for a tow truck service. 

Have adequate car insurance in case of accidents or repairs

No one likes to think about car accidents or repairs, but it’s important to make sure you’re adequately insured in case something does happen. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a huge repair bill or medical expenses if you’re involved in an accident. 

There are a few things you should keep in mind when shopping for car insurance. 

  • Make sure you’re getting the right amount of coverage for your needs. If you have a newer car, you’ll probably want more coverage than if you have an older model. 
  • Consider getting add-ons like roadside assistance or rental car reimbursement. These can be a lifesaver if you’re stranded on the side of the road or need a rental car while your own car is in the shop. 
  • Don’t be afraid to shop around and compare rates from different insurers. You may be surprised at how much you can save by switching to a different company. 

By taking a little time to research your options, you can make sure you’re getting the best possible deal on your car insurance.

Keep track of your car’s service history to make sure you don’t miss any important maintenance tasks

One of the best ways to maintain your car is to keep track of its service history. By keeping a record of when you last had the oil changed, rotated the tires, or replaced the battery, you can make sure you don’t miss any important maintenance tasks. 

By following these simple tips, you can save money on auto maintenance and keep your car running smoothly for years to come. So don’t wait until your car needs repairs to start thinking about maintenance. Start taking care of your car today, and down the road, you’ll be glad you did.