Home Health Trump Tells Congress Health Care Vote Must Happen Today (Video & Polls)

Trump Tells Congress Health Care Vote Must Happen Today (Video & Polls)

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) leaves after House Republican conference meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March 23, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

In case you missed it (which I doubt), the house vote on the promised health care bill was postponed, Thursday, after GOP leaders feared they didn’t have the votes to pass the legislation. After a lot of meetings last evening, White House officials basically told GOP leaders, the negotiations are over, it’s time to vote. Do it today or Obamacare stays!

It’s expected the house will vote early this afternoon.

New York TimesTrump Tells G.O.P. It’s Now or Never, Demanding House Vote on Health Bill

President Trump issued an ultimatum on Thursday to recalcitrant Republicans to fall in line behind a broad health insurance overhaul or see their opportunity to repeal the Affordable Care Act vanish, demanding a Friday vote on a bill that appeared to lack a majority to pass.

Faith Based Events

The demand, issued by his budget director, Mick Mulvaney, in an evening meeting with House Republicans, came after a marathon day of negotiating at the White House and in the Capitol in which Mr. Trump — who has boasted of his deal-making prowess — fell short of selling members of his own party on the health plan.

ReutersRepublicans scramble for health bill votes after Trump ultimatum

U.S. Republican lawmakers struggling to overcome differences over new healthcare legislation confronted a stark choice after President Donald Trump delivered an ultimatum: pass the bill on Friday or keep Obamacare in place.

Trump, a real estate magnate who touted his dealmaking prowess in the 2016 presidential campaign, faced the first major test of how well his skills would translate in Congress. Days of negotiations failed to produce a deal amid opposition from moderates and conservatives in his own Republican Party, and it was far from clear the bill had enough support to pass.

InfographicHow U.S. healthcare stacks up under the ACA and AHCA

BreitbartWhite House: Trump Is Done Negotiating; If House Bill Fails, Obamacare Remains

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney emerged from a meeting with House Republicans with an ultimatum. If the House-led effort to replace Obamacare fails, the United States is stuck with Obamacare, according to several Congressional reporters on Twitter.

Mulvaney was joined by a group of administration officials including senior advisors Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, and Kellyanne Conway for an evening meeting with House Republicans in an effort to break the logjam on the bill. Most House Freedom Caucus members refuse to vote for the bill without major changes. Moderate House Republicans have also protested the bill.

CNNWhy (almost) everyone hates the House Freedom Caucus

The rag-tag rabble-rousing House Freedom Caucus may be the linchpin to repeal and replace Obamacare at this point.

Its members, however, are Public Enemy No. 1 on Capitol Hill.
The group of conservative agitators who’ve irked leadership, held the line against spending bills and rebelled against trade priorities of leaders have now helped delay a health care vote at least one day.

PoliticoAs repeal vote nears, Obama pleads to preserve Affordable Care Act

Former President Barack Obama, who has remained on the sidelines for much of the contentious debate surrounding the Trump administration’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, urged lawmakers Thursday to preserve and build on his signature legislative achievement.

The lengthy statement, released on the seventh anniversary of the passage of the bill — and on the same day that House members are set to vote on its repeal — celebrated the merits of Obamacare and described the legislation as a watershed moment in determining that health care is “not just a privilege for a few, but a right for everybody.”

Latest Poll: Public Approval of Health Care Law

Affordable Care Act / Obamacare Historical Public Approval

2009 2013 40.4 50.6 -10.2
2010 39.9 51.4 -11.5 2014 39.4 52.6 -13.2
2011 39.1 50.8 -11.7 2015 41.4 50.3 -8.9
2012 40.2 48.8 -8.6 2016 40.4 49.4 -9.0

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample
RCP Average 2/7 – 3/14 48.0 43.8 For/Favor +4.2
FOX News 3/12 – 3/14 1008 RV 50 47 For/Favor +3
PPP (D) 3/10 – 3/12 808 RV 47 39 For/Favor +8
CNN/ORC 3/1 – 3/4 1025 A 46 49 Against/Oppose +3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 2/18 – 2/22 1000 A 43 41 For/Favor +2
Pew Research 2/7 – 2/12 1503 A 54 43 For/Favor +11

Bloomberg TV: After delaying an expected vote on the American Health Care Act on Thursday, House GOP leaders have yielded to a demand from the Trump administration to hold a vote today on the measure that would ultimately repeal and replace Obamacare. Bloomberg’s Kevin Cirilli reports on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”



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