Home Consumer The Workday Lunch Is Losing Its Appeal As People Save Cash For...

The Workday Lunch Is Losing Its Appeal As People Save Cash For The Weekend

Photo 117401883 | Restaurant © Mirko Vitali | Dreamstime.com
(Photo 117401883 | Restaurant © Mirko Vitali | Dreamstime.com)

By Francisco Velasquez


Consumers may be holding off on spending money during their weekday lunch excursion, but that doesn’t mean they’re not splurging on the weekend.

According to data compiled by digital payments platform Square, with hybrid work schedules keeping workers from commuting to offices full-time, weekday lunch outings continue to be down across the U.S. The trend means that restaurants and bars have yet to return to pre-pandemic levels, the platform found.

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The perception that consumers are cutting back on spending at restaurants isn’t necessarily the case, according to Kharazian, who said what’s really changing is consumer behavior.

Square analyzed the share of weekly transactions at food and drink establishments in selected cities and calculated the percentage point change from 2019 to 2023. It also examined dining trends, along with shifts in consumer spending, and restaurant wages.

But in a bright spot for the industry, happy hour remains a priority, the quarterly restaurant report found. In fact, according to Square, restaurant and bar traffic between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. for happy hour is actually slightly above pre-pandemic levels when compared to 2019-2023.

Some cities that led weekend transactions during that period include Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Phoenix, and St. Louis.

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