Home Consumer The ‘Running of the Bulls’ – Key West Style

The ‘Running of the Bulls’ – Key West Style

Dozens of men resembling Ernest Hemingway and a breed of “bull” likely found only in Key West starred in Saturday‘s “Running of the Bulls,” a lighthearted spoof of the famed run held annually in Pamplona, Spain.

A slow-paced ramble rather than a “run,” the Key West event featured stocky, bearded Hemingway look-alikes — dressed in the all-white garb and red scarves typically worn at the Pamplona challenge — parading through the island’s historic downtown with a “herd” of life-size replica bulls on wheels.

The offbeat event was a highlight of the Hemingway Days celebration, honoring the sporting lifestyle and literary legacy of the author who lived in Key West in the 1930s. It was headquartered outside Sloppy Joe’s Bar, a frequent Hemingway hangout during that time.

Faith Based Events

Saturday night, finalists chosen from nearly 140 entrants are to vie for victory in the third and final round of the Hemingway Look-Alike Contest staged at Sloppy Joe’s.

While living in Key West, Ernest Hemingway wrote classic novels including “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and “To Have and Have Not.”

The festival concludes Sunday after events that include a lively street fair and a marlin tournament that salutes the late author’s love of Florida Keys fishing.


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