Home Entertainment Rocker Phil Collins To Testify On Behalf Of Ex-Wife In Her Miami...

Rocker Phil Collins To Testify On Behalf Of Ex-Wife In Her Miami Divorce Battle!

Phil Collins and Orianne Mejjati, exes who moved back in together (Mike Jachles photo)

The groovy kind of love that British rocker Phil Collins has for his ex-wife is pulling him into court.

The 66-year-old drummer is expected to be called to testify in a downtown Miami court next month in a trial involving the end of his ex-wife’s current marriage.

By the way, Collins patched things up with the ex and currently lives with her in a $33 million-mansion in Miami Beach that was once Jennifer Lopez’s.

The five-day trial scheduled to start April 24 is to deal with one small part of Orianne Mejjati’s on-going divorce from investor Charles Fouad Mejjati.

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The case has become one of the hardest fought battles in any South Florida court, one where half a dozen lawyers file an average of about two motions and other entries per day!

The trial is supposed to validate, or declare null and void, a post-nuptial agreement that Orianne and Charles signed in May 2015.

Charles, 47, and Orianne, 43, have a child together, a six-year-old boy named Andrea who’s spending part of the time with Charles, and part of the time with Orianne and Collins in his waterfront crib.

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