Home Today Is Get Up, Laugh, Be Happy, It’s Upsy Daisy Day

Get Up, Laugh, Be Happy, It’s Upsy Daisy Day

Upsy Daisy Day

Each year on June 8, National Upsy Daisy Day is set aside to encourage you to face the day positively and to get up ‘gloriously, gratefully and gleefully’ each morning.

Every day is a gift and if we remember that as we rise each morning, it will help us carry a good attitude throughout the day, whatever the day may bring us.  Life is full of challenges and bumps in the road, and it is our attitude that helps us over the bumps and through the challenges to move onward with a smile.

Give it a try.  Be grateful and thankful for what you do have such as a bed to sleep in, food to eat, friends and family. Try a smile and see how it feels.  It may surprise you that it feels good on the inside also and how other people will smile back.  You may just brighten up their day!   Upsy Daisy!

National Upsy Daisy Day was created by Stephanie West Allen is 2003.  Her desire in creating National Upsy Daisy Day was to make humor, laughter and a positive attitude part of the Upsy Daisy Day way.

Whether it’s the ever popular founding of a nation or the lesser known celebration of a popped kernel of corn, we keep you up to date to celebrate. Since January 2013, National Day Calendar has been combing the internet, scouring the archives and peeling back the layers of the year for all the reasons to recognize those special days. Every day has a story and here at National Day Calendar we celebrate the stories as well as the day. From the unique artichoke heart to the questionable explorer, from the humble pie to the honorable veteran, National Day Calendar is here to help you