Home Articles Factors that Affect the Selection of Commercial Restroom Door Locks

Factors that Affect the Selection of Commercial Restroom Door Locks

Protecting one’s privacy is the main concern when designing restrooms for commercial properties. While the design and layout also make a big difference, it is usually the security and privacy that convinces users to use it without hesitation.

Bathroom or commercial restroom door locks are different than regular locks. They need to be more durable, functional, and secure than your regular locks so that the people using it feel more secure too. But, how do you know if a lock is good enough to use for commercial buildings? 

There are many factors that affect the function and design of commercial door locks and it is important to keep these factors in mind. 

Safety and Security

The most important factor to consider in restroom door locks is the safety and security of the user. Public bathrooms and commercial property restrooms are accessible by everyone. But, more often than not, these restrooms are not maintained properly. This leads to dissatisfaction among the users as they want a safe and hygienic restroom even in public places. Good quality hardware that is durable and strong is necessary when choosing locks for commercial restrooms.

Ensuring Privacy

The most common issue with commercial restroom locks is ensuring the privacy of the users. The most basic thing is to use commercial grade door locks that have a built-in privacy function. Many good privacy locks have an indicator feature that shows a large and visible “In Use” or “Vacant” sign. These locks clearly indicate the status of the bathroom so that other users do not get confused and accidentally invade the privacy of some users.

Code Compliant Hardware

Another important thing to remember when choosing locks is that commercial door locks should be ADA code compliant. The main thing here is to use lever locks instead of knobs. Knobs and deadbolts present a challenge with ADA code. To open such locks you need to put a lot of pressure on the hands and wrists which the ADA prohibits. And since these doors and windows are part of commercial properties, you need to make sure they are easily accessible to everyone. Hence, using knobs and deadbolts for such places is strongly dissuaded.

Design and Functionality

The type of locks you choose also depends on the design and functionality you want. When it comes to commercial restroom locks, privacy and security are most important. A good ergonomic lock design ensures that the locks are easy to open and close. It should also have clearly visible indicators for privacy. Also, the lock should be easy to install, fits the standard doors, and has other features like reversible levers, etc. These locks are mostly used in restrooms in restaurants, spa salons, cafes, libraries, etc.

While it’s true that a lock is a lock, finding the right one does matter. Choosing the right lock for your home or business is not an easy task. It involves careful consideration and thorough research.